Changing Lives Through Innovation

We are dedicated to improving the lives of at-risk teens and young adults through mental health counseling, mentoring, and vocational skills training.

Project LIFT’s innovative delivery of mental health services provides therapy through the unique platform of vocational training. 

Programming is offered at no cost for young men and women ages 14-24 at our Palm City, Fort Pierce and Belle Glade locations. Transportation is provided for anyone in Martin, St. Lucie, or Western Palm Beach County.

Participants receive hands-on vocational training in a variety of trades while licensed therapists work with them to address issues including depression, anxiety, addiction, trauma, abuse and anger management.

Students ages 17-24 are provided mental health counseling, vocational training, and life skills development, including interview preparation and résumé building assistance.

Participants who have dropped out of school have the opportunity to earn their accredited high school diploma on site, with one-on-one assistance from a teacher.

Project LIFT auto mechanic student in front of a tire

Boys and Girls After School Programming is offered for high school students, and transportation is provided in Martin, St. Lucie, and Western Palm Beach County.

By The Numbers


Therapy Sessions Administered


Hours of Vocational Training Provided


Participants Served


Meals Served


Rides Provided for our students, breaking down transportation barriers.

We Need Your Help To …

Change the lives of at-risk teens and young adults!

Project LIFT, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation TAX ID: 27-3949112. All gifts to Project LIFT are deductible to the extent provided by state and federal laws. FLORIDA REGISTRATION #CH34663.
Project LIFT Welding Student
Project LIFT Graduate Portrait
Project LIFT Carpentry Instructor and Student